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#9601 Old 20th Feb 2024 at 3:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by 310175
I just used the Age Freeze Potion Liftetime reward for the first time on my elder since I want her to finish one of the horse riding challenges. It says to age/kill her again, I need her to blow out the candles of the birthday cake. Will she die at her birthday party? Just curious.

I believe the game will randomize deaths. So, she could theoretically die that day, or live another week.

Shiny, happy people make me puke!
Mad Poster
#9602 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 3:54 AM
Players that have done 10 generation legacy challenges how do you get around error code 16?

I'm trying my first legacy challenge and got an error code 16 trying to save the third generation heir going to University.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#9603 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 11:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Players that have done 10 generation legacy challenges how do you get around error code 16?

Try to save it under a new name.
Mad Poster
#9604 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 5:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Try to save it under a new name.

I was trying but it wouldn't let me. I had a save called Lisa YA and got a prompt from one of my Nraas mods to save while Lisa was going to University. I couldn't save because of the error 16.

Edit to clarify. I was trying to name the save Uni 1 since it was Lisa's first semester of University but it was the Uni 1 save that had the .bad ending in the saves folder.
Forum Resident
#9605 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 7:32 PM Last edited by Deshong : 24th Apr 2024 at 4:49 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Players that have done 10 generation legacy challenges how do you get around error code 16?

I'm trying my first legacy challenge and got an error code 16 trying to save the third generation heir going to University.

I have not ever gone past 10 generations that I recall; I am at the 4th Gen, but my large families are often moved into various different neighborhoods. So far, my largest family has 52 members (All the way to 4th Gen), so keeping all of them in one neighborhood plus the townies and a growing population would already be too much for one save. Besides, at some point the family tree is likely to break anyway. I have several other large families, not as large but enough to make a difference in game performance and/or save management.

I do not have connected worlds so familial relationships are lost but with help I have found another way to re-connect familial relationships such as uncles/aunts/nieces/nephews/etc.

However if you want to keep the familial relationships intact then you may want to look into backing up everything and then learning to connect the different neighborhoods to move Sims. You can ask in the NRass forums about connecting worlds similar to sub-hoods in TS2 over at NRass using NRass Traveler.

TS3 is a mostly CPU-intensive game, therefore the more Sims including cats/kittens, dogs/puppies, horses/foals, deer and raccoons the more stress you put on the 32-bit game engine. Managing saves is a must, especially for the long-term.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Next Game: ObsCure (Oops I got Kenny and then later Stan killed-who reminds me of Josh Harnett...starting over! I enjoy the 90s/00s lingo, lol. The remaster looks great too.)
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